On 19 June the Minster for Planning released the amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy No – 65 Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development (SEPP 65). The amendment also includes an update to the Residential Flat Design Code, now know as the Apartment Design Guide (ADG).

Some of the key changes include: 

  • New minimum apartment size for studio apartments of 35sqm.
  • The Apartment Design Guide establishes benchmarks for car parking which reflect that providing less car parking reduces the cost of apartments, and fewer young people are acquiring vehicle licences in favour of public transport use, walking and cycling.
  • New requirements for solar access in mid-winter in Metropolitan Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong local government areas. 
  • Recognition that the orientation of development towards significant views and away from noise sources (e.g. rail and road) may prevent achieving minimum solar access requirements.
  • Development controls plans that contain provisions that are inconsistent with the ADG with respect to visual privacy, solar access and daylight access, common circulation and spaces, apartment size and layout, ceiling heights, private open space and balconies, natural ventilation and storage have no effect.

The amendments to SEPP 65 and the ADG formally commences on 17 July 2015.

For more information on the amendments visit The Department of Planning and Environment


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