The City’s employment lands in the south of our local area are some of the most strategically important in NSW. The employment lands are currently zoned mainly for industrial purposes, however changes in the Australian economy mean there is less need for industrial-zoned land close to the inner-city. The new planning controls will allow for the transition of the employment lands from areas of traditional industrial uses and low density employment to places of more diverse business activity and employment opportunities. Up to 9,000 more workers are expected to work in the employment lands over the next 15 years as a result of the changes.
Two investigation areas have been identified within the City of Sydney's southern employment lands where requests for site-specific planning proposals will be considered to permit residential uses and changes to maximum height and FSR controls. The City has released draft guidelines that provide a framework for assessing planning proposals and set out contribution rates to facilitate infrastructure delivery, including affordable housing. The draft guidelines are on public exhibition until 25 May 2015.
More information can be found at City of Sydney