Electronic Housing Code

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Electronic Housing Code

The Electronic Housing Code allows home owners, developers and business owners to electronically lodge a complying development application under the NSW Housing Code. You are also able to determine if you are able to proceed with your development without further approvals, as an exempt development.

See more details and access the Electronic Housing Code at:


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Interactive Buildngs

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Interactive Buildngs

The NSW Government has launched new ePlanning tools including an Interactive Buildings tool. This tool will allow users to click on an interactive 3D image model of a standard home, commercial or industrial property and understand in plain English what development standards apply and what work can be undertaken as exempt development.

The tool will provide easy access to information on minor home improvements, commercial and industrial projects.


More information and the Interactive Buildings tool can be found at:


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Sydney Harbourfront Redevelopment


Sydney Harbourfront Redevelopment

The Federal government has announced plans for a redevelopment of the Sydney Harbour Bays precinct.

The proposed development locations are: White Bay Power Station, Rozelle Rail Yards, Rozelle Bay and Blackwattle Bay, spanning a total development area of 80 hectares. The proposal includes a mix of residential, retail, tourism, commercial recreational and maritime use.

It is anticipated development will take 30 years to complete.

Full details can be found at:



NSW Planning Viewer


NSW Planning Viewer

The NSW Government has launched the Planning Viewer beta program.

The Planning Viewer provides public access to the map layers for certain planning maps incorporated by reference in environmental planning instruments made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The Viewer is an initiative of the New South Wales Government and is designed to help people better understand map-based planning information. It enables users to search, navigate and view the map layers using standard map viewer functionality.

Planning Viewer can be found at:



CBD Light Rail Approved


CBD Light Rail Approved

Planning approval has been granted for the $1.6 billion CBD and South East Light Rail project.

The 12 kilometre route includes 20 light rail stops and extends from Circular Quay along George Street to Central Station and Moore Park, then to Kingsford via Anzac Parade and Randwick via Alison Road and High Street.

It will link Circular Quay and Central, the Moore Park sporting and entertainment precinct including the Sydney Cricket Ground and Sydney Football Stadium, Randwick Racecourse, the University of NSW and Prince of Wales Hospital at Randwick.

The CBD Light Rail will be a high frequency service departing every two to three minutes during peak periods within the CBD.

Construction is expected to commence in 2015 with the new light rail service operating by 2020.


City of Sydney Employment Lands Strategy 2014-2019

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City of Sydney Employment Lands Strategy 2014-2019

The recently released City of Sydney Employment Lands Strategy (strategy) is to guide growth and change to 2030 in the employment lands in the City of Sydney local government area (LGA). 

The primary role of the employment lands is to facilitate new business and industry opportunities, provide employment across a range of sectors, and provide land for strategic industrial activity and essential urban services. The employment lands will continue to play a crucial role in supporting growth of the local, metropolitan, state and national economies whilst facilitating regional and global network connections.   

The full strategy can be viewed at:




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Sutherland Shire Council Draft LEP Update


Sutherland Shire Council Draft LEP Update

On Thursday 26 June 2014 the findings of the Independent Review, undertaken by Dr John Roseth and Ms Meredith Sussex were provided to Council by the Minister for Planning. The panel's report details the findings of the review and contains 92 recommendations for Council to consider in finalising the draft Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2013. The findings of the review will be reported to Council to determine how the draft LEP will proceed. Once this decision is made, all parties who made submissions will be notified.

